Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"New Finds"

So, a new coffee shop called Bean There Cafe went in across the street from work. It has been so much fun to have a little home grown coffee shop so close. I have become a little more and more weary of the Starbucks bitter coffee and the hiking up of the prices...again...did you hear about the $.09 increase July 31?? Don't get me wrong- I'll still make my contributions and enjoy an afternoon there with a friend every now and then but yea for some diversity- not to mention competition in the neighborhood.
Anyhow- I have missed my home coffee shop Perc Place in Hartford and it has been a refreshing taste to have a new coffee shop so close. I haven't gotten to take John yet, but my friend Katie and I have enjoyed a couple of hours of fellowship in their cozy atmosphere. So, here's to the small buiness- I hope they do well and make it!! If you come visit- I'll take you for a cup- this is paticularly directed towards my sisters- they have good tea too, Jenn!!!


Karis said...

What a great treat for you and right across from your work!

Hey, Beth, when are you going to comment on our blog? I saw your comments on a couple of other blogs, and I was jealous. Hehe. Just kidding! Seriously, though, we would love to hear from you if you have a chance to check out our blog. We LOVE comments especially when we're on the road.

Amandaleann said...

G and I went there last week. We loved it! We should go there sometime, maybe after you get off work some day.

jess said...

I'm looking forward to checking that out, along with all the other new shops over there. Hope you are enjoying you action packed August!