Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Krista!

Happy Birthday to our one year old niece Krista! It's so hard to believe it's been a year already since we welcomed her to our world. And now we are waiting for our third niece to arrive...any day now - we are so excited for Megan to arrive.
I have a confession. Sadly, I did not realize it had been Krista's birthday until today. Part of it is because she's so new - but also, they are just so far away. It really made me sad when I realized this (I won't elaborate on this point because it will make my mama-in-law and Karis cry - but you know my heart is with you). But it also strengthened my resolve to keep close contact with Dan and Karis even though our continents are so far apart. It was neat to see their family pic in Africa...made me very happy to see they have made it and they are doing what the Lord has for them! So, I took a few pictures from Dan's FB for you all to enjoy...these were my favorites!


Laura D said...

Love the pictures. I agree it is hard to be away from family. Most of my family is in CO.(Not near as far as Cameroon, but still far.) Thanks for the sweet post.

cranny + b said...

aw:) She is such a cutie! They all look so happy in that top picture! I am sure it is so hard to be so far away!

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Great post! What a little cutie!!

Unknown said...

Bethany, the pictures are adorable! I understand how difficult it is with Dan, Karis, Kayla, and Krista so far away, but seeing pictures brings so much joy,(and so much pain at the same time! How thankful we are that God is right there with them, no matter how far from us. I know that sounds corny, but it gives me peace and comfort. Love you, Bethany and John.